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Resources About and For Children with Disabilities

From left: Austria, Indonesia, Uruguay, Austria, USA
General Resources
Interactive Planner for Caregivers: an online interactive planner for caregivers and families. Its features allow users to record medication prescribed, meals, emergency contacts, games, and other daily routines. The planner can be printed and provided to caregivers and families once its filled out. *Paid Listing web:
Exceptional Parent: a magazine published primarily for parents of children with special needs by Psy-Ed Corporation
The Council for Exceptional Children: the voice and vision of special education. An organization for teachers, administrators, students, parents, paraprofessionals, and related support service providers with 17 specialized divisions. Supports all aspects of the education and development of students with disabilities and/or those who are gifted.
TASH: an international association of people with disabilities, their family members, other advocates, and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm.
*Generally speaking, each specific disability has at least one organization devoted to advocacy, information, and support.
Internet-based Resources
Brookline Books: Materials for teachers, families, and young adults with disabilities in three categories: assistive technology, general disability, and self-advocacy.
CEC Information Center on Disabilities and Gifted Education: The Council for Exceptional Children maintains a downloadable database of fact sheets, digests, mini-bibliographies, and frequently asked questions (FA)Q.
Paul H. Brooks Publishing: Publishes textbooks, professional reference materials, & practical how-to books for families.
Special Needs Project: A unique bookstore specializing in disability related books, tapes, videos.
tel: 1-800-333-6867
Woodbine House: Books for parents, children, teachers, & professionals about disabilities.
web: ​
​ Detailed information about educating deaf or hearing-impaired students. Offers many resources designed to ease the transition to higher education, such as school selection, preparing for online classes etc.
Reading Materials
Books for Parents & Professionals
Title: Breaking Bread, Nourishing Connections: People with and without Disabilities Together at Mealtime
Author: Karin Melberg - 2005
Publisher: Schwier & Erin Schwier Stewart
Title: Part of the Community: Strategies for Including Everyone
Author: Karin Melberg - 2005
Publisher: Schwier & Erin Schwier Stewart
Title: Breaking Bread, Nourishing Connections: People with and without Disabilities Together at Mealtime
Author: Jan Nisbet & David Hagner - 2000
Title: Delicate Threads: Friendships Between Children With and Without Special Needs in Inclusive Settings
Author: Debbie Staub - 1998
Title: Your Values, My Values: Multicultural Services in Developmental Disabilities
Author: Lilah Morton Pengra - 2000
Title: Nobody’s Perfect: Living and Growing with Children Who Have Special Needs
Author: Nancy B. Miller with “The Moms” - Susie Burmester, Diane G. Callahan, Janet Dieterle, & Stephanie Niedermeyer - 1996
Title: The Parent to Parent Handbook: Connecting Families of Children with Special Needs
Author: Betsy Santelli, Florene Stewart Poyadue, & Jane Leora Young - 2001
Title: Uncommon Fathers: Reflections on Raising a Child with a Disability
Author: Donald J. Meyer - 1995
Title: Understanding Your Special Needs Grandchild
Author: Clare B. Jones - 2001
Title: Yoga for the Special Child: A Therapeutic Approach for Infants and Children with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, & Learning Disabilities
Author: Sonia Sumar - 1998
First-person Books
Title: Faking It : A Look into the Mind of a Creative Learner
Author: Christopher Lee & Rosemary Jackson - 1992
Title: Reflections from a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew
Author: edited by Stanley D. Klein & John D. Kemp - 2004
Title: Songs of the Gorilla Nation: My Journey Through Autism
Author: Dawn Prince-Hughes - 2004
Title: Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports from My Life with Autism
Author: Temple Grandin - 1996
Title: Growing Up With Cerebral Palsy
Author: Mark Smith - 1996
Title: Count us in: Growing up with Down Syndrome
Author: J. Kingsley & M. Levitz - 1994
Books by Parents & Siblings
Title: Riding The Bus With My Sister
Author: Rachel Simon - 2002
Title: Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, And An Exceptional Child
Author: Michael Berube - 1996
Books by Parents & Siblings continued:
Title: Not Even Wrong: A Father’s Jouney into the Lost History of
AutismAuthor: Paul Collins - 2004
Title: The Ride Together: A Brother and Sister’s Memoir of Autism in the Family
Author: Paul Karasik & Judy Karasik - 2003
Title: You Will Dream New Dreams: Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children with Disabiliites
Author: Stanley Klein & Kim Schive - 2000
Title: Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones
Author: Jeanne McDermott - 2002
Children’s Books
Title: No Fair to Tigers/No Es Justo Para los Tigres
Author: Eric Hoffman
Artist: Janice Lee Porter
Age Group: 3 - 7
Title: Be Quiet, Marina!
Author: Kirsten Debear
Artist: Laura Dwight
Age Group: preschool
Title: Don’t Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability
Author: by Jane Cowen-Fletcher
Age Group: 4 - 8
Title: Mama Zooms
Author: Pat Thomas
Artist: Lesley Harker
Age Group: 4 - 8
Title: Taking Cerebral Palsy to School
Artist: Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Artist: Tom Dineen
Age Group: primary
*Part of a series on Special books for Special Kids published by JayJo Books
Title: My Pal, Victor/Mi amigo Víctor
Artist: Diane Gonzales Bertrand
Artist: Robert Sweetland
Age Group: 4 - 8
Title: Ian’s Walk: A Story about Autism
Artist: Laurie Lears
Artist: Karen Ritz
Age Group: 6 - 9
Title: Holy Enchilada!: The Mostly True Confessions of the World’s Best Underachiever, Vol. 6
Artist: Henry Winkler
Artist: Carol Heyer
Age Group: 8 - 12
*Part of the Hank Zipzer series
Title: Silent Boy
Artist: Lois Lowry
Age Group: 9 - 12
Title: The Summer of the Swans
Artist: Betsy Byars
Age Group: 9 - 12
Title: Stuck in Neutral
Artist: Terry Trueman
Age Group: young adult
Title: Cruise Control
Artist: Terry Trueman
Age Group: young adult