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576 OIive St. Ste 208
Eugene, OR 97405


DanceAbility Latin America
el Centro Latinoamericano de DanceAbility
Quien coordina actividades de DanceAbility en Sudamérica es el Centro Latinoamericano de DanceAbility, cuyo objetivo fundamental es difundir el método en toda Latinoamerica y promover las actividades de danza inclusiva que se desarrollan en los diferentes países.
DanceAbility activities in South America are coordinated by the Latin American DanceAbility Center, whose main objective is to spread the method throughout Latin America and promote inclusive dance activities that take place in different countries.
A large donation from Marisa de Leon of Eugene, Oregon is fueling the Latin America project. Marisa, a visionary woman
born in Montevideo, Uruguay, founded Escuela Franklin Delano Roosevelt there in 1941 for children with disabilities.
She became a supporter of DanceAbility International because of her passion to expand expressive opportunities for
children. Click Here to read more about Marisa.
DanceAbility International, together with Latin American partners, envisions inclusive dance communities spreading throughout Latin America, connecting people with and without disabilities through art. Escuela Franklin Delano Roosevelt will be a major center for training.
For more information about existing integrated dance communities in Latin America, please visit the country listings below.
For more information en Español, please email
For more information em Português, please email aló
Marisa’s funds are enabling DanceAbility workshops to be offered affordably all over Latin America. Scholarships to attend classes are being offered to those in need. In 2010 and beyond, month-long DanceAbility Teacher Certification courses in Uruguay and elsewhere will provide an opportunity for educators to learn the DanceAbility methods and become local leaders. The program will support the development of amateur and professional mixed-abilities performances to be showcased throughout Latin America. DanceAbility International and Latin American partners are currently working to make teaching materials available in Spanish.
We would love to hear from dance teachers and organizations in Latin America who would like to partner in expanding dance opportunites for all people. If you are interested in bringing DanceAbility to your community or region, please Click Here.
Danza Sin Limites (Dance Without Limits)
Danza Sin Límites is a group of professionals in dance, education and communication created by Andrea Fernández, Marina Gubbay and Gabriela Guebel, which encourages and creates projects that promote the expression of all people in the field of dance. It was founded in 1997, still in ongoing movement and transformation. Marina died in 2021 and Andrea and Gabi honor her by continuing the shared work.
Danza Sin Límites es un grupo de profesionales de la danza, la educación y la comunicación creado por Andrea Fernández, Marina Gubbay y Gabriela Guebel, que impulsa y desarrolla proyectos que promueven la expresión de todas las personas en el campo de la danza. Fue fundado en 1997, y continúa en constante movimiento y transformación. Marina falleció en 2021 y Andrea y Gabi la honran continuando con el trabajo compartido.
Visit the Website:
Contact Danza Sin Límites:
Visit the Facebook page:
You may phone Gabriela Guebel in English or Spanish: +54 9 11 3560 8700
Danza Sin Límites
Núcleo Dança Aberta
Since 1997 actress and dancer Neca Zarvos has been actively involved with the promotion of Danceability in Brazil. With Priscila Jorge, also a DanceAbility Certified Teacher, they form Núcleo Dança Aberta, that has produced many DanceAbility events since the 2007 Danceability Brasil, when Alito came to direct "Joy Lab Research" with brazilian dancers, which premiered at SESC in São Paulo. Focusing on accessibility, all their projects aim to promote meetings where diversity is present, so the methodology of DanceAbility can work at it's best. You can email Neca Zarvos in English, Portugese or Spanish.
Dança Sem Fronteiras (Dance Without Borders)
Dança Sem Fronteiras was created in 2010. As the name suggests, the company aims to create opportunities for all to experience dance as a source of freedom of expression through the body, which has no borders. The company brings together artists from different backgrounds and abilities, incorporating different art forms to promote and make visible dance that comes from a diverse group of performers. The company creates site specific, dance-theatre pieces and regularly performs in both theatres and unconventional spaces. The company offers workshops for adults and children of all ages and abilities as well as long term residencies and Jams with a DanceAbility teacher certificated in 2005 - Fernanda Amaral. All the projects of Dança Sem Fronteiras have the objectives of promoting contemporary dance as a cultural medium accessible to all, strengthening the diversity and widening the artistic and social horizons beyond labels, to question formulas and prejudices about "dance”," Disability” and “professionalism”.
DanceAbility Chile
One of the objectives of the DanceAbility Chile project, which is based in Santiago, is to promote diverse experiences and through dance and reflection, while maintaining the
skills learned from the workshops. The DanceAbility Chile project works together with the "Taller Exploratorio de Danza Integradora" (Exploring Integrated Dance Workshop). This workshop stresses the importance of generating a dialogue between bodies through movement, while respecting the abilities of each person. The workshop is designed to be a space for exploration of body language and the value of expressive movement. We are looking for people with diverse abilities who are interested in constructing, communicating, expressing, and reflecting.
Team: Angela Vega - Javiera Sanhueza - Nicolas Cottet
DanceAbility Mexico
In January 2004, DanceAbility method founder Alito Alessi taught at the National School of Dance Nellie y Gloria Campobello. That same year Ma. de Lourdes Arroyo M., Valentina Castro and Rosana Padilla of Mexico became Certified DanceAbility Teachers. In 2008, Directors Arroyo M. and Martha Heredia formed Foundation DanceAbility International Mexico to continue inclusive dance in Mexico. Arroyo M. now directs the Foundation. Classes are being offered in different institutions such as Cenesdi, deportivo Aragón, bartec, APAC, and others. For information about DanceAbility in Mexico,
you can write in English or Spanish to LuLu Arroyo by clicking the Contact link.
Proyecto Paz Danza Inclusiva
Proyecto Paz Danza Inclusiva A.C. is a nonprofit organization founded by Certified DanceAbility Teacher Richard Paz and colleagues in 2014 in Ensenada, Mexico, & Baja California. The company's mission is to increase awareness about diversity and inclusion through artistic and social activities, achieving this mainly through the facilitation of inclusive dance experiences.
DanceAbility Uruguay
The Directors of DanceAbility Uruguay are Lucía Bidegain and Martín Recto.
The coordinator of DanceAbility Uruguay is César Martinez
There are about fifteen Certified DanceAbility Teachers in Uruguay. Some teach ongoing DanceAbility classes for children at Escuela Franklin Roosevelt. Others teach various classes and workshops for adults. In the past few years, DanceAbility International has partnered with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), Plataforma–a production arm of the Dirección Nacional de Cultura, La Pista, Asociasión Nacional para el Niño Lisiado (National Association for the Disabled), and Facultad de Psicología at the Universidad de la República.
Read more about Escuela Franklin Roosevelt »
You can email DanceAbility Uruguay in English or Spanish
For More Information About DAULAT Offerings
Elsewhere in Latin America
There are many other certified DanceAbility teachers in Latin America. To find out if there are DanceAbility teachers in your region, follow this link to the full list of Certified DanceAbility Teachers