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DanceAbility has ongoing classes, workshops & events all over the world

What's Happening:



  • DanceAbility Teacher Certification Courses

We hold the 120 hr. Teacher Certification Courses almost yearly. In some years we can hold two courses in different locations around the world.  Email John at to be added to our class wait list, and notified as soon as the schedules are published.


DanceAbility in Eugene! 

The 2024 DanceAbility Teacher Certification Course registration is now open!


Spend August dancing in Eugene, and learning how to teach dance to all people, with or without disabilities!


Learn about, and register for the course here!​




 • DanceAbility 5 and 6 Day Intensives


Take a deep dive into the DanceAbility Method of teaching inclusive dance to people with and without disabilities. You'll learn theory and teaching techniques from day one that you can use in your own dance practice. Course handbook with over 40 exercises and pages of class notes included. Classes held on consecutive weekends, Friday evenings–Sundays.


Watch this page for information on the 2024 Intensive schedule




Upcoming Classes in Eugene, Oregon


  • Hilyard Community Center Classes Resume Winter and Spring 2024! Watch this space for dates!​​


          Dance experience not necessary!


          ALL abilities and disabilities welcome!

Ages 18 & Up!


Classes are sliding scale $80 - 100 for all 10 sessions, $10 drop-in rate, full and partial scholarships available

NOTAFLOF: no one turned away for lack of funds.


Again, email John and get on our classes waiting list!


This project made possible in part by a grant from Lane Arts Council with support from the City of Eugene Cultural Services, and a grant from the Oregon Community Foundation Advised Funds Program.



  • DanceAbility International’s
    performing company will be expanding Oregon touring in 2023! If you are an interested presenter in a theater, community center, or school, contact John at 541-520-0874!

  • Learn more about performances
    See a performance video


  • Eugene and across the USA – Join eScrip and many businesses will automatically give a percentage of your bill to DanceAbility International to help us provide more free or low-cost dance programming. For example, Eugene business participants include Market of Choice, Safeway, and many popular restaurants. See our Donations Page for easy sign-up details.


  • Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska - DanceAbility earns donations when you shop with your Fred Meyer rewards card and designate us. See our Donations Page for easy sign-up details.


Our Current Partners!

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Vienna International Dance Festival

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Hong Kong, China

Escuela de Roosevelt
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Montevideo, Uruguay

Centro Latino
Americano de DanceAbility
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Latin America

Hilyard Community Center

Eugene, Oregon

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Ensemble BewegGrund Trier

Trier, Germany


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Opal Arts Center

Cottage Grove, Oregon

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University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon

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Delgani String Quartet

Eugene, Oregon

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DanceAbility International

576 Olive Street Suite 208

Eugene, Oregon 97401 USA


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